
a ‘biblical marathon’ for harmony and peace

Six days, more than 2 thousand faithful, a church open 24 hours a day: the Holy Scriptures are read without stopping. Groups from other religious denominations have also been invited. Local parish priest Pascal Paulus explained: “This is how we spread the message of Jesus Christ.”

Faisalabad () – The Catholic Biblical Commission of Pakistan is currently organizing the third Bible reading marathon at the Church of the Holy Rosary in Warispura, open 24 hours a day for the occasion. Six days, more than 2 thousand committed faithful: l ‘objective is to complete the reading of the sacred text from the book of Genesis to the Apocalypse, without interruption.

On November 7, the Bishop of Faisalabad, Msgr. Indrias Rehmat, inaugurated the event by reciting the first sentences of the Bible. After him, Fr. Emmanuel Asi, director of the Biblical Commission of Pakistan, Fr. Pascal Palus, parish priest of Warsipura and Abrar Sahotra, head of the San Jeronimo Biblical Study Group. Thousands of Christians have so far participated in the event, which according to the program should end tomorrow at 10 pm.

“It is a beautiful experience to read the Holy Bible with so many people. Everyone could feel the atmosphere of sacredness. This event is historic and people will always remember it,” Abrar Sahotra told .

The St. Jerome Study Group is often dedicated to community reading of the Bible during Lent: “In our parish, since 2015 we have completed the reading together in 43 days. We pray for peace to triumph in the world. Reciting the Bible every day enlightens people’s hearts.”

“We feel blessed and lucky that our parish has been chosen,” said Fr. Paulus. The first ‘Bible marathon’ was held in Mariamabad parish and the second in Karachi. “This year we have invited not only Catholics, but also groups of other religions in the city, and I feel immense joy at the fact that many denominations have joined,” added the priest. “By reading the Bible we spread a message of love, peace, forgiveness and harmony, as taught by our Lord Jesus, who gave his life for us on the cross and showed his great love for humanity.”

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