Science and Tech

USM participates in the launch of the new Regional Strategy for Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation

USM participates in the launch of the new Regional Strategy for Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation

The instrument, financed by the GORE Competitiveness Innovation Fund, will be designed and prepared by the four universities belonging to the Valparaíso Council of Rectors.

In the V21 Innovation District of Viña del Mar, the Regional Strategy for Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation for the Development of the Valparaíso Region (ERCTCID) was launched, a tool that will be essential for decision-making in these matters and in which the Federico Santa María Technical University is participating in its preparation together with three other schools belonging to the Council of Rectors of Valparaíso (CRUV): University of Valparaíso, University of Playa Ancha and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

The new instrument is financed by the Innovation Fund for Regional Competitiveness (FIC-R) of the Regional Government (GORE) and focuses on interculturality, inclusiveness, equity and gender perspective, environmental sustainability, positive impact on the territory and the social participation.

In relation to the participation of the USM in the creation of the new ERCTCID, the Academic Vice Chancellor, Dr. Andrés Fuentes, was emphatic in pointing out that “the university will play a fundamental role since it will provide two important elements: first, the of the talent and knowledge that is available in the university to develop new technology and, second, ensure that this technology and talent can stay in the area and thus collaborate with the development of better cities”.

He added that this strategy is an important advance in science, technology and innovation, highlighting the trust that the Regional Government has placed in the CRUV, for which “we will rise to the challenge and deliver what the government and the region need”. .

Public politics

For her part, the General Director of Links with the Environment of the USM, Dr. María José Escobar, specified that “this is the beginning of a process that will take us 18 months from now to have our first Regional Science Strategy , Technology, Knowledge and Innovation for the Development of the Valparaíso Region and this is very important because it is a 10-year public policy instrument that allows directing the central funds of the Regional Government in favor of being able to achieve and implement this strategy of science, the one that aims to be aligned with the Regional Development Strategy and to place emphasis on creating the scientific, technological and knowledge capacity that allows us to position ourselves from today to the region that we can glimpse within the next 10 years”.

The General Director of Liaison with the Environment also participated in the meeting at a discussion table together with other leading actors in the matter, whose theme was “Towards a CTCI system integrated into the territory.”

The regional governor, Rodrigo Mundaca; the mayoress of Viña del Mar, Macarena Ripamonti; university authorities and characters linked to the world of science and technology. In the same way, the USM set up a stand to disseminate its work on the matter.

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