
Marches in favor of Petro on July 20: why they are called, who and where they will take place

( Spanish) — Colombian unions called for a series of marches in favor of the government of President Gustavo Petro for this July 20, when Colombia celebrates its national holiday with which the country’s independence process began.

The Central Unitaria de Trabajadores CUT, along with other unions, is one of the groups that calls for marches in favor of social reforms promoted by Petro, including the labor reform, health and pension reform, a series of projects that have not been able to pass in Congress in the last legislature.

“We have considered it very positive that the government has decided to present the labor reform again in the second legislature and for this reason we are going to accompany this presentation of the government with the national mobilization this July 20,” Fabio Arias saidpresident of the CUT, when calling the events for this Thursday.

Fecode, the Colombian Federation of Educators, also called for marches to defend public education.

According to the unions, the reforms promoted by the government are “the conjunction of the needs and requests that we have been demanding for more than three decades,” says a statement about the demonstrations on Thursday.

The demonstrations are called to start on July 20 at 2 pm

In Bogotá the concentration will be in the Plaza de Bolívar.

The unions invited the workers “to carry out these kinds of actions in the different regions of our country.”

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