
The EPP fails in its purpose to knock down the Nature Restoration Law

The European People’s Party has failed this Wednesday in its purpose of overthrowing the pioneering and controversial Nature Restoration Law, which according to the complaint, this formation will harm farmers and will trigger the price of food. The plenary of the European Parliament has finally approved the rule by a narrow margin of 336 votes in favor, 300 against and 13 abstentions.

The Nature Restoration Law had already foundered in the Fisheries, Agriculture and Environment committees. But upon reaching plenary session, the European Parliament rejected (by 312 votes in favour, 324 against and 12 abstentions) the PPE’s proposal to drop this key initiative of the European Green Deal.

The popular ones have been seconded by the two radical right groups of the European Parliament: European Conservatives and Reformists (where Vox is a member) and Identity and Democracy (the family of Marine Le Pen and Matteo Salvini). On the other side, socialists, greens and the radical left have defended the Nature Restoration Law. In the end, they have been the liberals of Renew (the group of Citizens) who have decanted the result of the vote by majority supporting the rule.

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The standard, proposed by the Commission on Ursula von der Leyen in June 2022, it is the first legislation in history to explicitly set out to restore nature to Europe. The objective is that the restoration measures reach at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 and finally extend to all ecosystems that need to be restored by 2050.

EU governments (including several from the PPE) approved the Nature Restoration Law on June 20, although considerably lowering the ambition of the original Brussels proposal. The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Austria, Italy, Finland and Sweden voted againstbut failed to muster a sufficient blocking minority.

However, in the European Parliament the leader of the PPE, the German Manfred Weberhas used this standard to pose a pulse to Von der Leyen, despite being from the same political group and nationality. Weber aspired to preside over the European Commission in 2019, but his candidacy was rejected by European leaders in favor of Von der Leyen.

The president has avoided entering into an open war and has remained in the background throughout the debate, although she has made it known through her spokespersons that she maintains her support for the text. In the end, Weber has ended up losing the stake.

“We are disappointed with the result of the vote on the Nature Restoration Act despite objections and concerns from three parliamentary committees. We fear that this law will be counterproductive and have significant social and economic consequences”, the EPP said after the vote.

“The Nature Restoration Law has gathered immense support among civil society, NGOs, youth, scientists and even large multinationals, as well as most EU governments. Although the EPP has chosen not to listen, the rest of Parliament has moved forward with this crucial policywhich aims to guarantee a better future for all”, said the PSOE MEP Cesar Luenastandard rapporteur.

For his part, the PP MEP gabriel mate He affirmed during the debate that it is “legislation raised with its back to the primary sector and unrealistic”. The Nature Restoration Law endangers the “livelihood” of farmers and fishermen, as well as “food security,” says Mato.

“The left, greens and European socialists, together with some strays, applauding fervently the destruction of the European agricultural sector. The consequences fall on them,” wrote the head of Vox in Brussels, Jorge Buxadé, on his Twitter account.

“We have written a part of the history of European politics. The denialist theories have lost and all Europeans win“, says the MEP of Ciudadanos Soraya Rodríguez.

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