economy and politics

The reservoirs closed the first semester with a useful volume of 72%

The reservoirs closed the first semester with a useful volume of 72%

The market operator XM reported that at the end of June, the level of the reservoirs was 73.4 % of useful volume. Although this figure is 7 percentage points above the level seen at the end of the previous month, the truth is that when compared to June 2022, there is a 9-point drop, since at that time they stood at 81.45%. .

The analysis by regions shows that the reservoirs of antioch reached 83.9 % of their useful volume, followed by Cauca’s Valley with 81.3%, Caribbean with 77.5%, Center with 69.8% and East with 56.1%.

(Prior to the El Niño phenomenon, energy contracts were scarce).

After a four-month losing streak in the volume of bookings, since February, the useful volume has been increasing.

(Blue bonds: what are they and what do these resources work for?).

Regarding the water contributions, these were 16.8 % below the reference average. Similarly, discharges were the equivalent of 867.97 gigawatt hours (GWh) distributed in 844.43 GWh from Hidroituango, 9.08 GWh from Porce II, 7.62 GWh from Topocoro, 6.5 GWh from Riograwhere 2 and 0.33 GWh from Bethany.

During the sixth month were generated 6,444.28 GWha drop of 0.73% compared to the previous month. This energy was mainly from renewable sources, since 80.44% was generated with these technologies. The remaining 19.56% was generated with thermal resources.

(First blue bond in Colombia to finance water conservation).

Most renewable resources are from hydroelectricbeing 96.9 % of these, while the solar energy is 1.59% of renewables and the biomass represents another 1.16% and the wind generation it reached 0.31% in the sixth month.

(Milk and coffee, sectors with the highest risk due to Nevado activity).

In addition to this generation, 133.55 GWh were imported from Ecuador in order to meet Colombia’s energy demand, reported XM.


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