
The lists of femicides and infanticides continue to add names in Bolivia

So far this year, 46 femicides and 10 infanticides have been registered in Bolivia, leaving mourning and pain in numerous families that ask for justice and demand more severe punishments for the aggressors.

These are the cases of Samantha and her daughter, barely two years old, who were cruelly murdered. And that of José Andrés, nine years old, who found death when he was going to his educational center.

Tania Sánchez, director of the Women’s Coordinating Association, told the voice of america that “the extreme cruelty and premeditation of the perpetrators, as in the case in La Paz of Samantha, who died with her throat cut along with her daughter (…) the fact that this is being planned”, calls their attention and they believe that it is a reason to fight.

Several cases revealed that the attackers already had criminal records and even final sentences against them and were released. For this reason, organizations, activists, legislators and relatives of the victims point to the justice operators and demand that proposals such as the death penalty, chemical castration or the sum of sentences be evaluated.

For Sánchez, “closer monitoring” must be carried out and “corruption punished” because “there is a lot of perks or chicanery towards the victims and families.”

César Siles, Bolivia’s Vice Minister of Justice and Fundamental Rights, told the press that it is necessary to “advance against certain crimes that are occurring more frequently.”

“Talking about other types of measures that are going to modify the Political Constitution of the State requires constitutional reform,” he added.

The Supreme Court of Justice reported this week that in Bolivia there are 467 people declared in absentia, in cases involving assaults and sexual abuse against women and minors.

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