
Blinken will travel to the Caribbean to talk with heads of state about security and migration

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will begin a tour of the Caribbean next week in which he will visit the capitals of Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, to participate in meetings with the heads of state of both countries.

Blinken will begin his trip on July 5 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, where he will be part of the Caribbean Community Heads of Government meeting (CARICOM) and the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the international organization.

This visit, as reported by Matthew Miller, spokesman for the State Department, will serve to “deepen” on the “historic visit” that Vice President Kamala Harris made to the Bahamas on June 8, in which she co-hosted the Meeting of Leaders of USA and the Caribbean.

“Secretary of State Blinken will address pressing issues in the region with heads of government represented,” said Miller, including Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Keith Rowley and incoming CARICOM President and Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerritt. .

Blinken will continue his tour on July 6 in Georgetown, Guyana, where he will meet with President Mohamed Irgaan Ali, Foreign Minister Hugh Todd and leading members of the cabinet.

Among the topics they will discuss, according to Miller, are “bilateral issues of a priority nature, including food and energy security, and decarbonization, climate resilience, regional migration and the development of local capacities.”

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