Science and Tech

The mountains of the northern hemisphere will become sources of extreme precipitation due to climate change

The mountains of the northern hemisphere will become sources of extreme precipitation due to climate change

June 28 () –

Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), part of the US Department of Energy, have discovered that climate change is transforming snowfall into precipitation in the mountains of the northern hemisphere. These waves of liquid water entail a series of dangers, such as floods, landslides and soil erosion, as published in the journal ‘Nature’.

A quarter of the world’s population lives in or downstream of mountainous regions.“says Mohammed Ombadi, first author of the study–. They will be directly affected by this risk.”

Scientists already anticipate that climate change will increase the volume of water that falls during extreme events (which typically take place within a few hours to a day), but this study is the first time that researchers have looked at whether such extreme precipitation occurs in form of rain or snow.

The researchers found that the fraction of water falling as snow decreased in mountainous regions and fell as rain, making mountains especially vulnerable to extreme rainfall hazards. They even put a figure on it: For every degree Celsius increase in global temperature, researchers expect an average of 15% more rain in high areas.

This increase in extreme precipitation is not just something that will happen between now and the end of the 21st century: we are already seeing it. Ombadi says. That same rate was also evident in data from 1950 to 2019. Extreme precipitation in mountains has already been increasing, and will continue to change at that 15% rate.”

While all of the Northern Hemisphere mountain ranges are seeing the change from snow to rain, those most at risk from extreme precipitation events are North America’s Pacific mountain ranges (the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and coastal ranges from Canada to southern California), the Himalayas and high latitude regions. Researchers are still working to understand why these areas are more at risk than other mountain ranges like the Rockies or the Alps.

“We think the North American Pacific ridges are more susceptible to extreme precipitation risk than other ridges because a significant portion of the snowfall in this region typically occurs at temperatures just below zero degrees Celsius,” Ombadi said. The slightest change in air temperature will transform this snowfall into precipitation. Unlike other mountain ranges, where snowfall can occur at very low temperatures, below zero degrees.”

Ombadi hopes that his climatologist colleagues will incorporate the distinction between snowfall and precipitation to improve global climate models, and that civil engineers and planners will use the data to better prepare for heavy rain events.

We have to take these results into account when designing and building the infrastructures of these mountainous regions, so that they can withstand the negative consequences of increased extreme rainfall.Ombadi says.

Meanwhile, countries continue to strive to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement that would limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

“Our findings revealed a linear relationship between the level of warming and the increase in extreme precipitation: For example, 1 degree of warming causes 15% more rainfall, while 3 degrees leads to a 45% increase in precipitation.” , highlights Ombadi.

There are many technologies underway that could help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. –Add–. To me, this study demonstrates the need to invest in those clean solutions, and also to start preparing for the consequences of warming now.”

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