
ASIA TODAY Russia-Myanmar nuclear cooperation agreement

Other news of the day: Colombo declares state of emergency; in Japan, the wasabi industry, in danger due to climate change; Modi was criticized for a “threatening” statue in the Indian Parliament building; the mothers of russian soldiers mobilize to prevent their children from going to the front, they assassinated an ISIS leader in Syria.


Myanmar’s coup junta and Rosatom State Corporation – the Russian state-owned nuclear power company – yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding to boost nuclear cooperation. The general in charge of the Burmese junta, Min Aung Hlaing, was visiting Moscow, where he also promised to strengthen military-technical cooperation after meeting with senior Russian defense officials.


President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled to the Maldives on a military plane with his wife and two security agents. The final destination would be a third country. Other family members also left the island nation. The protesters continue to occupy the presidential residence and await his resignation letter. The prime minister declared a state of emergency.


The Indian government defended the placement of a new statue on the roof of Parliament after receiving several criticisms from the opposition in recent days. It is a sculptural image that represents three lions and is inspired by an ancient Indian sculpture of Ashoka. According to critics, the lions in the statue that Modi likes are more menacing and aggressive than the originals. The project is part of a renovation plan for colonial buildings.


Climate change also endangers wasabi cultivation: horseradish seedlings have to stay in water at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees throughout the year. The aging of the Japanese population is also a problem: due to these two factors, since 2005, wasabi production has halved, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.


seoul denounced that the repatriation of two North Korean fishermen in 2019 could be considered a “crime against humanity”. The incident occurred during the previous government, led by Moon Jae-in. According to critics, Moon was “so desperate to please North Korean leader Kim Jong Un” that he “shamefully disregarded basic principles of human rights and humanity.”


The United States declared that he killed Maher al-Agal, one of the leaders of ISIS, in northwestern Syria during a drone strike. According to the US Central Command (Centcom), Al-Agal was responsible for the group’s “aggressive” development outside of Iraq and Syria. The Islamic State has not yet confirmed the death of the leader.


A new protagonist of the Russian war in Ukraine is the “women’s movement” made up of soldiers’ mothers. The group is particularly active in the Asian Russian regions of Buryatia and Tuva, where the highest casualty statistics in the special operation occur. The mothers keep in touch through Viber to prevent eavesdropping, and agree on actions to protect their children from mobilization and prevent them from being sent to the front.


Mongolian President Khurelsuk issued a decree for the public veneration of the portrait of “Lord Bogdo Genghis Khan, born as Temujin 860 years ago.” “Millennial genius of world history, unified the Mongolian people under the power of law, history, culture and law, proclaiming the great Mongol Empire”.

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