Waze is a popular app for getting information while driving, which collects data from the community in real time to give directions. Learn about its secret codes here to optimize its use.
If you are one of those who enjoy available information on the route, driving, road conditions, and more data on your car trips, including avoiding traffic jams, you are probably already familiar with Waze, a navigation application for private cars which has become a very popular tool.
Although Google Maps is the official Android application, Waze uses information collected from users in real time to calculate the average speed in journeysinformation about turns and directions of the streets or locate radars, accidents and traffic jams in real timeamong many other options.
Waze collect data on each trip you make on a daily basis, such as daily trips in your vehicle, and compares this data with the community that uses the application to generate its directions. Besides, using it is completely legal.
But there is more, according to reports crast.net: the application hides a series of secret codes that can completely transform its use. Some of them are really useful, while others require caution due to their possible impact on the operation of the application. Below, we reveal these codes and how to enter them.
Safe Waze Codes
To enter a code, open the main menu of the Waze app. Choose Browse and enter the code below in the destination search box.
Some features require an app restart, others are immediate.
2##2 | Enables/disables login to debug mode | Activate debug mode |
##@cctts | Clear TTS cache | When text-to-speech is not working properly, it may be necessary to clear the TTS cache in the app. |
dbg@tts | Enable/disable TTS debugging | |
##@tts | Enable/disable TTS | Turn text-to-speech on or off |
##@asr | Enable/disable ASR | Activates or deactivates the voice-activated commands function |
##@username | show username | Show your current username |
##@eng | set english | Set the language to English |
##@heb | set hebrew | Set the Hebrew language |
##@restorefav | restore favorites | Download server favorites |
##@coord | Show/hide coordinates | Show/hide your GPS coordinates |
##@debuglang | Translation check | Translated strings are replaced by [OK]. |
##@debugspeed | speed limit check | Shows the speed limit for the segment regardless of the current speed. |
##@rawgps | Enable/disable GPS position | Additional icon with the actual position in the road position |
##@traffic | Enable/disable traffic on the route | Shows the lines of traffic on the lines of the route |
The tables show currently known codes and what function they perform.
Some of these codes appear within the app, but what exactly they do is unknown.
Waze codes to use with caution
These codes are the ones that are listed as not recommended, so don’t use them unless directed by the waze support.
Some may block the information, or cancel functions of use.
##@il | Switch to Israel infrastructure | If your Smartphone works on the wrong server, you can switch to this server with this command |
##@uses | switch to US infrastructure | u Smartphone is running on the wrong server, you can switch to this server with this command. |
##@other | switch to ROTW infrastructure | If your Smartphone is operating on a wrong server, you can switch to this server with this command. |
##@resetapp | restart the app | Restart the app as if it was just installed |
You can review the code list used by the community the waze wikifinding new options to adjust your application and favor your driving to the maximum, with the greatest amount of optimization and data to your liking.
Plus, Android Auto lets you enjoy waze navigation on your car screenalthough it depends on the compatibility with the screen of your vehicle, and to find out you will have to contact the manufacturer.
As indicated by Google, Are you aware of this problem?:”SWe are aware that some Android Auto apps are not yet compatible with touch panels. As we know that this is very important for our users, we are working to fix it very soon.“.
We hope that these secret codes will help you in your navigation with Waze, and get the most out of your driving and commuting app. Please explore them with caution to ensure an optimal and safe experience.