economy and politics

Sanctions against the people involved in the downing of flight MH17

flight MH17

The government of Australia has imposed targeted financial sanctions and travel bans on three people implicated in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

Australia has been working closely with the Netherlands and the European Union to coordinate sanctions on individuals who were convicted by The Hague District Court in November 2022 for their contribution to the downing of Flight MH17 and the murder of the 298 people. who were on board.

Today’s sanctions target Sergey Dubinskiy and Leonid Kharchenko, both found guilty by The Hague District Court. The third culprit, Igor Girkin, was sanctioned by Australia in 2014 for supporting separatist activity in eastern Ukraine.

Australia has also sanctioned Sergey Muchkaev, a colonel in the Russian Armed Forces who in July 2014 was the commander of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, which supplied the Buk-TELARs that shot down Flight MH17.

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As separatist leaders of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” at the time of the downing of flight MH17, or as members of the Russian armed forces, the three individuals sanctioned today actively supported actions and policies that threatened Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. .

These sanctions demonstrate the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to hold those responsible for the downing of Flight MH17 to account.

Australia has been working closely with the Netherlands and the European Union to coordinate sanctions on people who have been convicted.

“In close collaboration with our partners, particularly the Netherlands, Australia remains steadfast in its commitment to seek truth, justice and accountability for the victims of the downing of Flight MH17. We continue to use all avenues at our disposal,” said Penny Wong.

“Our thoughts continue to be with those who lost their lives, their families and their loved ones,” he concluded.

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