
Mitsotakis achieves an absolute majority in this Sunday’s elections in Greece, according to an exit poll

June 25 () –

The conservative New Democracy party (ND, 40-44% and 158 seats) of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has achieved a clear victory and an absolute majority that would allow him to govern alone, according to an exit poll published by public television ERT .

Far behind is the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA, 16.1-19.1% and 45 seats), according to the study by Pulse, Alco, Marc, Metron Analysis and MRB, which ranks the historic Panhellenic Socialist Party ( PASOK, 10-13% and 29 seats).

Further behind are the Communist Party of Greece (KKE, 7.2-9.2% and 21 seats), the ultra-right party Spartans (4-6% and 13 seats), the ultra-conservative Greek Solution party (2.3-4, 3% and 9 seats), the Christian fundamentalist Nike (Victoria, 2.3-4.3 and 9 deputies), the left-wing party Rumbo a la Libertad (2-4% and 8 seats) and the European Front of Royalist Disobedience (MeRA25, 2-4% and 8 representatives).

New Democracy sources have asked to wait for the official results. “We are waiting for the results. It seems that ND guarantees autonomy. This makes us feel an even greater responsibility to meet the expectations of the citizens who have placed their trust in New Democracy and in Kyriakos Mitsotakis,” the source said in statements collected by the newspaper ‘Kathimerini’.

“The next few days are not days of celebration, but days of work. There is no time for complacency. We cannot waste a single day,” he stressed.

SYRIZA, the second political force according to the poll, has not reacted for the moment, but PASOK has done so through Harilaou Trikoupi. “This vote shows that PASOK is back and that it is recovering the bonds of trust with progressive citizens”, he highlighted.

“PASOK’s great bet is to become a reliable progressive opposition,” he stressed. He has also warned of the presence of far-right parties, for which he has highlighted the role of his party as a “democratic bastion”.

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