
Taiwan denounces the presence of 19 new fighters and five Chinese ships in the vicinity of the island

June 24 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Taiwan Ministry of Defense detected this Saturday, at around 08:00 local time, the presence of 19 fighters and five ships of Chinese origin in the vicinity of the island.

Of those 19 new fighters identified, “eight crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and approached the 24 nautical mile line,” according to a statement from the Taiwanese authorities on Twitter.

“The ROC Armed Forces are closely monitoring the situation with our ISR system and have deployed CAP aircraft, warships, and ground-based missile systems in response,” Defense said.

Two hours earlier, at 0600, the presence of eight planes and the same five boats had already been alerted.

The escalation of tensions in the region began with the trip to the island of the then president of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, in August of last year, and the situation has worsened after the visit of the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing Wen, to the North American country, where he met several US congressmen despite warnings from Beijing.

Taiwan has had an independent government since 1949, but China considers the territory under its sovereignty and its fundamental policy towards the island is that of peaceful reunification under the “one country, two systems” principle, although it does not rule out the use of force before “independence attempts”.

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