
The fall of drone fragments causes a fire in a kyiv building: at least two injured

The fall of drone fragments causes a fire in a kyiv building: at least two injured

Fragments of a downed Russian drone struck a high-rise apartment building and a parking lot in kyiv, injuring at least two people. As reported Reuters citing Ukrainian authorities, the missiles were headed for the country’s second city, Kharkiv.

[El Grupo Wagner dice que sus tropas han sido atacadas por el Ejército ruso y promete venganza]

The mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschkosaid at least two people were injured in the district of Solomianskyin the center of kyiv, and that the images published on social networks showed the upper floors of a burning tower, as well as the remains of fragments in a parking lot.

The mayor of Kharkov, Ihor Terekhov, stated that at least three Russian missiles were targeted at his city, one of which hit a gas line and started a fire. Terekhov further added that emergency services were on the scene, but he did not provide details about the victims.

In the early hours of Saturday there were reports of more explosions in other cities in the country, including Dnipro, located in central Ukraine. In practically all the territory the alarms sounded and, according to the military reports, anti-aircraft units were in action across the country.

Air raid alerts were in effect for the entire country for more than an hour, in what has become one of the busiest nights since the start of the war. This time it was due to the accusation by the head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhinhaving suffered attacks from the Russian army itself.

The Wagner Group has worked for Russia for much of the war, but in recent months Prigozhin has become critical of the government, mainly the Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu.

[La rebelión de Wagner pone al Kremlin en alerta: el ejército toma Moscú ante un posible golpe]

Tonight he has accused the Russian army, without providing evidence, of having attacked his troops and has called “all those who want to join us.” “We need to end this mess,” he has stated through a Telegram video.

Faced with this complaint, the Russian government has launched the so-called ‘Fortress Plan’, deploying the army in Moscow and placing military checkpoints at points it considers important, such as the Ministry of Defense itself. However, the internal chaos in Russia has not stopped the night attacks against Ukraine, which are already common.

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