June 22 () –
Cosmic dust clouds crossing a star field star in the telescopic view near the northern edge of the Australian Crown or Austrian Krona, one of the 88 modern constellations, an image that has been chosen by NASA as a snapshot of this June 22, 2023.
Part of an expanding molecular cloud complex, this star-forming region lies 500 light-years away, about a third of the distance from what is known as the Orion Nebula.
The image shows how mixed with bright nebulosities, the dust clouds block the light of the most distant background stars in the Milky Way and obscure embedded stars that are still in the process, while the great dark nebula Bernes 157 lies on the left.
Meanwhile, to its right, there is a group of nebulae cataloged as NGC 6726, 6727, 6729 and IC 4812, whose characteristic blue color is produced when light from hot stars is reflected in cosmic dust. The more compact NGC 6729 surrounds the young variable star ‘R Coronae Australis’.
Just below, filamentous arcs and loops are identified in association with energetic newborn stars. In fact, at the heart of this area is the Corona Cluster, one of the closest and most active star-forming regions.