economy and politics

AMLO will require tortilla shops to use only white corn

AMLO will require tortilla shops to use only white corn

“We are establishing order and there is no need to be afraid of controversies,” said the head of state in his usual morning conference.

The taxes on imports of transgenic white corn will be added to the 50% tariffs on national white corn exports that the Government decreed in January as a measure against inflation to encourage this cereal to remain in the country, which is used for the basic diet and making tortillas.

The politician from Tabasco highlighted the importance of strengthening trade relations with the United States, although he did not rule out that the conflict that exists over the commercialization of transgenic corn escalates to a panel of controversies within the framework of the T-MEC.

López Obrador said that he will set tariffs for corn to nations that do not have an FTA with Mexico, so the US is waiving this measure.

He mentioned that he will buy 1.5 tons from small and medium corn producers in Sinaloa. He added that the protests that have been held in that state are promoted by businessmen who have run out of subdisdios.

The president said that “they are working” with the United States to see options for how to carry out joint studies to define the damage caused by transgenic corn.

“They continue to insist that yellow corn can be used for human consumption and we are not going to allow it, that is why this consultation is taking place and it may lead us to a panel, but it is a matter of public health,” he said.

With information from EFE

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