
Sweden does not rule out a military attack by Russia and warns that its security would be “better guaranteed” in NATO

Archive - Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson

Archive – Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson – Europa Press/Contact/Ninni Andersson/Government O

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June 19 () –

A committee of the Swedish Ministry of Defense has alerted this Monday in a report that the Nordic country does not rule out a possible military attack by Russia and that Swedish security would be “better guaranteed” within the Atlantic Alliance.

“Even if there is no immediate threat to Sweden from a possible Russian attack here and now, we must speed up the process of building a stronger overall defense,” Defense Minister Pal Johnson said after the report was released, according to has collected the newspaper ‘Aftonbladet’.

In this sense, Jonson has ensured that the incorporation of Sweden into NATO should be done “as soon as possible”. “Swedish territory can offer strategic depth to NATO, combined with the fact that we have resources and capabilities that can strengthen the Alliance,” he insisted.

The report states that Russia’s ambitions “are not limited to Ukraine” as it “has long considered expanding the conflict to the entire Western world.” In this sense, the committee has affirmed that Moscow is “the most serious threat to European and Swedish security.”

On the other hand, despite the fact that the text explains that Beijing does not represent “a direct military threat to Sweden”, it does clarify that the increase in its territorial claims reflects that “conflicts by military means are a reality”, as well as a threat ” for small and medium states”.

“Authoritarian and revisionist states, such as Russia and China, see democracy, human rights and the principles of the rule of law as existential threats to their own nations and, in particular, to the power of the ruling regimes,” reads the text. , adding that this has resulted in a “significant” deterioration of security on the European continent.

Likewise, the report details that Sweden’s integration into NATO would strengthen its security and contribute to expanding both security and stability in its territory, as well as in the Euro-Atlantic area as a whole.

The president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ruled out last Wednesday that Sweden could receive the green light to join NATO coinciding with the meeting of leaders in Vilnius in July, a jug of cold water for the military bloc, which was confident that the president announced it during the forum itself, with a view to his entry being effective from October, when the Turkish Parliament meets again after the summer recess.

In addition to the endorsement of Turkey, Sweden also has yet to get that of Hungary, which has criticized on several occasions the criticism of the management of the Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, coming from the Nordic country.

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