Science and Tech

What is the electronic signature and how does it speed up your procedures?

What is the electronic signature and how does it speed up your procedures?

Ramírez points out that its use grew during the pandemic, because the documents could not be physically delivered, in addition to the fact that in the first year of the health emergency there was fear regarding the objects and the way in which they transmitted the virus. “In this period people saw it as something safe, necessary and that it helped life,” he says.

According to data from Adobe, at the beginning of the pandemic, 58% of business leaders said that the adoption of electronic signatures among users had accelerated, arguing that it was part of supporting continuity and agility. of their businesses.

It even began to be used in sectors such as health, where various institutions began to implement it to streamline processes by 98%, in addition to distributing 600 documents automatically per month. It is expected that by 2026 the global market for electronic signatures could exceed 14 million dollars.

The fastest thesis procedures

Ramírez says that this system has been used at Ibero Puebla, as part of a strategy to streamline thesis procedures, issues with students or codes of conduct that require electronic signatures, as well as day-to-day procedures.

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