
Pitbull will be in the catalog of songs for Samba de Amigo: Party Central

Some songs of the singer are ready for you

We have good news for all who are waiting Samba de Amigo: Party Centralsince those responsible have just confirmed that the musical game will have at least a couple of Pitbull songs.

Some songs of the singer are ready for you

As you will surely remember, this SEGA game was shown at the Nintendo Direct last February and confirmed that it will have around 40 melodies from different musical genres.

Now it has been confirmed that Samba de Amigo: Party Central It’s coming to Nintendo Switch this August, and you’ll get some free bonus songs on the day it’s released.

Here we leave it to you:

As you could see, the free update of day 1 in the title will include the theme shake lady, a collaboration with T-Pain and Sean Paul; in addition to Let’s Take a Shotwhich will be released on Pitbull’s next album called trackhouse.

It is worth mentioning that it had already been confirmed that Celebrateanother of the singer’s hits will be available in the game, so fans of Mr. 305 will be quite happy.

Related Video: February Nintendo Direct: News Roundup

Samba de Amigo: Party Central It will arrive exclusively on Nintendo Switch on August 29, 2023.

What do you think about this game? Will you give it a chance? Tell us in the comments.

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Related Video: News Roundup

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