Science and Tech

Internet, more important than hot water for 78% of Spaniards

June 18 (Portaltic/EP) –

78 percent of Spaniards affirm that having a good Internet connection at home is more important to them than having hot water and, despite this, 53 percent of users have ever experienced problems with the operation of their home network, according to data from a study carried out by the devolo company, coinciding with World WiFi Day, which is celebrated this June 20.

Connection problems usually occur when playing audiovisual content on streaming platforms (14 percent), followed by downloading or uploading files (13 percent) and also -and surprisingly- when carrying out an operation as simple from the point of view of the required bandwidth as it is surf in the Internet (12 percent), according to the aforementioned study on the uses of the Internet in Spain.

Regarding the time slot in which wireless connections show the most instability, 60 percent of Internet users experience problems between 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. The remaining 40 percent of users experience ups and downs or drops in the connection the rest of the day.

“It is information to take into account because many Internet users are forced to telework several days a week, or even do it all the time, after the coronavirus crisis encouraged remote work in a way that had never been seen before” , detail the devolo experts. Only 15 percent of the sailors stated that they had never had any problems with your connection.


38 percent of those who claim to have problems with the WiFi connection detail that the place from where they suffer the most setbacks are the rooms. In this case, once again, it is the video streaming services that are most affected by connection failures. One of the reasons for instability is generally in the distance from the room to the ‘router’ from which the network is distributed. The kitchen, with 15 percent, and the living room, with 8 percent, are the places in the home with the most connection problems after the bedrooms.

To try to solve a problem it is necessary know where the cause of the evils is. In the case of WiFi connections, there is a great lack of knowledge: 58 percent of those who experience problems of this type are completely unaware of where they can come from.

This study also highlights that speed or performance is not what interests the user the most when considering a technical solution to problems with the WiFi connection. 54 percent opt ​​for a stable connection, compared to 8 percent who think speed is more important.

Coinciding with World WiFi Day, this report shows that the Internet has become a basic necessity for the Spanish. Having a connection at home is considered something “essential” by 96 percent of those surveyed and 77 percent of them consider that the possibility of connecting to the network is at the same level of importance as running water or electricity.

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