
Teamfight Tactics: Top 5 Team Compositions in Patch 13.12

Yordle Gunners Composition.  Photo: TFTTactics capture

League of Legends It not only has the classic game modes of the MOBA genre, where you must destroy the enemy base, it also has a self-managed chess game mode. Riot Games has maintained the popularity of Teamfight Tactics thanks to its constant updates.

Recently, patch 13.12 went live, which brings a lot more champions and crazy compositions that you can already try. You cannot miss the experience of seeing the T-Rex in action or combining the characters of the void to dominate in your games.

Wait…isn’t this the Convergence?! The time to cross the portal to set 9 came with Runeterra Reforged, where the Convergence merges with the regions of your favorite champions. Discover everything that version 13.12 brings to you: a new Pass+, new variants of Little Legends, arenas, mechanics, champions and much more, don’t wait any longer and go through the portal!”, Riot Games details in the patch announcement.

New meta compositions

Despite being in the early days of the update, gamers have already shared some of the team compositions that have very good stats. The one in the top 1 is the composition of Yordles with Gunners.

It consists of Viego, Maokai and Poppy in the front line and behind as carrys are Heimerdinger, Jinx, Zeri, Jayca and Tristana. Lots of rear end damage with gunslingers and the ones taking the damage are Maokai and Poppy.

Yordle Gunners Composition. Photo: TFTTactics capture

The composition that occupies the second position is that of challengers or Challengers. It is very easy to use, since from the beginning you must get Irelia, Sett and Warwick, who will serve as tanks at the beginning of the game. Then you must get Samira, Kaisa, Kalista, Aatrox and Yasuo.

Challenger Composition.  Photo: TFTTactics capture

Challenger Composition. Photo: TFTTactics capture

Freljord also has its own composition that does a lot of damage late game. You will start with Ashe and Ashkan as carries, and in front you will have to place Lissandra and Taris. In the middle of the game, you will be forced to get three four rare champions: Aphelios, the main carry, Sejuani, Shen and Urgot.

CompositionFreljord.  Photo: TFTTactics capture

CompositionFreljord. Photo: TFTTactics capture

With Ryze’s return to TFT, it has become popular to make a Wanderer comp with Invoker. Galio, Taric and Shen will be your main tanks, behind you will place Lissandra and you will have the magicians as a source of damage: Soraka, Ahri, Karma and Ryze.

Composition Iona Invokers.  Photo: TFTTactics capture

Composition Iona Invokers. Photo: TFTTactics capture

Finally, in the fifth position of the current meta, is the strategists. It does not have higher level characters but it is a composition that can ensure you a top 4 in the games. It consists of Garen, Swain, Jarvan IV, Nasus, Taliyah Teemo, Lux, and Azir.

Composition Strategists.  Photo: TFTTactics capture

Composition Strategists. Photo: TFTTactics capture

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