economy and politics

Spanish nationality: is it real that you can ask for it by a surname?

shengen visa

Spain It is one of the most favorite options that Colombians consider when leaving for another country.

In the first semester of 2022, that country received 5.42 million people of different nationalitiesof which the majority were from Morocco and Romania; and on the side of Latin America, Colombia It is listed as the country from where more people have come to Iberian territory.

(The best states to work remotely in the US.)

However, it is little known that the Spanish immigration authorities also have a process that grants Spanish nationality to those who prove that their surname has Jewish roots.

The strategy arose as a way of reparation to the Jews for the expulsion that the parishioners of this religion had by the Spanish monarchy in 1492the same year that Christopher Columbus set foot on America.

In the case of Colombians, people who have surnames of descendants of Sephardic Jews They will also be able to access Spanish nationality more easily.

(Visa to enter Canada: countries where the requirement has been removed).

However, the official deadline for carrying out this procedure has already expired, but it is known that there are certain exceptions in which it is still possible to apply, but with slower procedures and less probability of success.

Shengen visa.


Deadlines to carry out the procedure

The deadline for submitting applications for the Spanish nationality process for people with surnames originating from Sephardic Jews of Spanish origin ended on October 1, 2019according to confirmation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain.

(The amount lost per year on rejected visa applications.)

However, this period has been extended for very specific cases. “Starting Monday, August 8, 2022, you will need to follow the new procedure“, says the Circular of the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries of September 9, 2019.

Among the requirements to obtain nationality, it is mentioned in the circular that “Regarding the exceptional circumstances that are required to acquire Spanish nationality by naturalization card, it is understood that such circumstances occur in the Sephardim originating in Spain who prove said condition and a special relationship with Spain, even when they do not have legal residence in our country. country“.

He also added that “For the accreditation of the applicant’s Sephardic origin, the certificate issued by the president of the Permanent Commission of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain has special probative value, although not exclusive. Likewise, the accreditation of the special relationship with Spain will require the passing of two tests, DELE and CCSE designed and administered by the Instituto Cervantes“.

(The offenses for which Colombians are expelled from the United States).

Finally, it must be said that this process is complicated, since the aggravating factor is that the first term has already been closed since 2019, in addition to the fact that there are many accumulated applications. Likewise, they will also ask you for requirements such as proof of Sephardic descent.



TO: Abraham, Acevedo, Acosta, Aguado, Aguiar, Aguilar, Alarcón, Alba, Aldana, Alcalá, Alegre, Alfonso, Alfaro, Almeida, Alonso, Álvarez, Friend, Beloved, Amaya, Aranda.

B: Baltasar, Báez, Barral, Barrios, Beato, Benavente, Benítez, Bernal, Bravo, Bueno, Bermejo.

C: Cabrera, Calvo, Camacho, Campo, Cantos, Carrasco, Carrillo, Carvajal, Castellanos.

D: Delgado, Diego, Díez, Díaz, Duque, Domínguez, Durán, Dorado, Duarte.

AND: Enrique, Enríquez, Espejo, Esperanza, Espinosa, Escudero, Esteban.

F: Fajardo, Fernández, Ferrer, Ferrero, Figueroa, Flores, Fuentes, Fuertes.

G: Gálvez, García, Gato, Garzón, Gil, Gimeno, Giménez, Gómez, Granado, González, Gutiérrez.

H: Haro, Henríquez, Hernández, Heredia, Holgado, Herrera, Huerta, Hurtado.

YO: Ibanez, Israel, Left.

J: Jaen, Jimenez, Jimeno, Jorge, Juarez, Julian.

L: Lázaro, Leal, Lara, Larios, Leiva, León, Lima, Linares, Lobato, Lobo, López, Lorca, Lorenzo.

Me: Madrid, Madrigal, Macías, Machado, Manuel, Márquez, Marchena, Marcos, Martínez, Marín.

N: Najera, Navarro, Navas, Nieto, Nunez.

EITHER: Ocampo, Ochoa, Olivos, Olmos, Oliva, Ordóñez, Olivares, Orellana, Ortega, Ortiz.

Q: Pacheco, Padilla, Palma, Palomino, Pardo, Paredes, Couple, Parra, Paz, Pascual, Pedraza, Peña, Pérez.

Q: Quirós, Burnt.

A: Ramírez, Ramos, Real, Rey, Reina, Ribera, Ricardo, Rivero, Robles, Roca, Rivas, Rodríguez, Ruiz.

S: Salgado, Salinas, Rooms, Salazar, Salcedo, Salvador, Sánchez, Sancho, Serra, Serrano, Sierra, Silva.

You: Talavera, Toledo, Torre, Torres, Wheat.

OR: Ubeda, Uría, Urrutia.

V: Valero, Valle, Vara, Varela, Vargas, Vázquez, Vega, Velázquez, Vera, Vergara, Villanueva, Vidal.

Z: Zalazar, Zaragoza, Zuniga.

*With information from EL TIEMPO

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