
Sánchez gives us a new opportunity

He could have done something else, but he chose what was best for him. He could have announced his resignation from continuing to lead the PSOE, to then convene an extraordinary congress in which the new secretary general and candidate for the Presidency of the Government in the December elections would be elected. He could have opted for responsibility, for explaining to the Spaniards that it was crazy to risk having to dismantle the structure of political leadership who has taken over the rotating presidency of the European Union. He could have rendered a last service to his party, but he chose to render it to himself. Nothing new under the sun.

Pedro Sanchez He has once again done what interests him the most: a surprising self-defense movement to neutralize the internal opposition and prevent any attempt at rebellion from the growing dissidence. A short dribble that seeks to counteract the electoral potential of a PP that has extraordinarily increased its territorial power. And in parallel: the manifest intention of taking advantage of the collapse of Can while cutting the temporary growth margin of “Operation Yolanda”. Or me or me There is no other alternative to stop from the left to the extreme right. That, or similar, will be the message.

Sánchez’s decision to bring forward the general elections, right at the start of the six-month presidency of the EU, is an act of abusive self-centeredness, manifest advantage and contempt for the general interests of the country

In a new display of daring, of unfounded arrogance, Sánchez, presenting himself as an alternative after a resounding electoral setback, executes a high-risk bet whose main victims may be the country and his party. the country because the improbable, but not impossible, reissue of the Frankenstein government, would be a test of social, economic and political stress from which Spain would be very badly injured. And the PSOE because a foreseeable and resounding defeat would leave the party founded by Pablo Iglesias at the gates of an eclipse similar to that suffered by the socialists in France, Greece or much earlier in Italy.

Sánchez’s decision to advance the general elections to July 23, just at the start of the six-month presidency of the EU, is an act of abusive self-centeredness, manifest advantage and contempt for the country’s general interests, even though the The first reaction of many was relief at a situation that seemed untenable since Sunday. Sánchez has decided the most risky path because he is the one who risks the least. It remains to be seen if no one in the Socialist Party is going to raise their voices, if no one is going to fight the Caesarism of a character willing to continue doing his holy will, among other things. preparing the lists of candidates to suit youafter having dragged down most of the leaders of his party, including most of those who seemed untouchable, those who have kept alive the flame of the most recognizable PSOE.

understand the message

In 1993, after his unexpected and close victory in the general elections, Philip Gonzalez He pronounced one of those phrases that remain effortlessly in the memory and are invariably picked up by those who have recalled the political life of that Spain at the end of the century: “I have understood the message”. She half understood, but at least she tried. Sanchez no. Sánchez, with this audacious ruse, what he is transmitting to all of us, starting with his fellow party members, is that we are the ones who have not understood the message of the progressive government (sic), and for this reason, in application of his lofty magnificence He’s going to give us another chance. Let’s grab the males.

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