Science and Tech

What is the internet of the senses and how does it impact social inclusion?

What is the internet of the senses and how does it impact social inclusion?

This purpose is relevant, since only in Mexico, more than 7 million people live with a disability. For example, of this total, more than 900,000 have communication difficulties, while more than 3 million have an audiovisual disability.

In fact, Ríos himself comments that he lives with a visual disability and uses a type of electronic glasses that allows him to zoom in or adjust light levels. In addition, they are connected to 5G and the data they collect goes to the cloud to analyze your vision health and even add other layers of functions.

A developing technology

Pérez points out that it is a developing technology and its highest point is expected to reach around 2030, as it requires a series of innovations that are being built or made for massive use, such as Artificial Intelligence or the use of wearables, such as watches or smart glasses, among other devices.

According to a study carried out by Ericsson Research, users in large cities expect to start exploiting their senses online by 2030, a decade in which it would even be possible to “digitally communicate thoughts”. Although it is not explained how they will be used.

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