
Austria reinforces its border with Hungary before the release of human traffickers

May 22. (EUROPE PRESS) –

The Government of Austria has confirmed that it will intensify surveillance and control at its borders after Hungary’s decision to release foreigners arrested for human trafficking, provided they leave the country within 72 hours.

As reported by the Ministry of the Interior to the Austrian news agency APA, all vehicles from Hungary, Romania and Serbia will be checked.

This past week, the Hungarian authorities began to implement a controversial new rule –approved by decree by the president, Viktor Orbán, a month ago– that frees people imprisoned for human trafficking on the condition that they leave the country. within three days.

As reported by the Hungarian National Security Adviser, Gyorgy Bakondi, in statements to the Kossuth radio station, this year they arrested 387 alleged perpetrators of human trafficking in his country, a crime that represents 12 percent of its prison population. , being an “extraordinary burden” for the State.

Given this new measure, Austria has reacted with concern. The Austrian Ministry of the Interior has reported that it has contacted the Hungarian authorities to “prepare a countermeasure”, according to statements to APA.

The people released are “criminals who may belong to organized crime,” Austria has denounced, and “their brutal acts endanger human lives.”

In addition to tightening border control, the Ministry will reassess its cooperation with the Hungarian security forces, while considering other measures in this regard.

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