Science and Tech

Proposals from the students

PUC Communications.- “We have presented the book UC Proposes that summarizes the participation of students with research since undergraduate. In these almost ten years of existence, work has been done to contribute from the academic world with solutions to public challenges. The tenth version of this book that we present compiles nine investigations carried out in the first and second semester of 2022, undertaken with great enthusiasm by students from twenty-one UC majors. Each student team was led by one or more teachers, in charge of designing a public policy challenge, based on problems identified by the students themselves.

»The tenth version of this book that we present compiles nine investigations carried out in the first and second semester of 2022, assumed with great enthusiasm by students of twenty-one majors of the UC»- Rector Ignacio Sánchez.

The research areas refer on this occasion to city and territory, social justice and gender, education, health and well-being. Just as an example we highlight the chapters dedicated to the field of city and territory. These include a study on the relationship between neighboring communities and heritage, taking as a case the coexistence in the historic Villa Frei in the commune of Ñuñoto. One of the objectives of this research was to carry out a retrospective declaration of the value of the protected area, proposing a governance structure for the heritage management of this typical area. On the other hand, in this same area, this time in the O’Higgins region, some gaps were identified in the current public policy on responsible pet ownership to solve the issue of attacks by dogs that migrated from the city. to the field affecting their livestock.

In another chapter, a diagnosis is made regarding social housing programs and how they conceptualize and understand the Chilean home. In Education, -a section always present in UC Proposes-, a chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the impact of socioeconomic gaps in terms of the experience of university students during the pandemic. Another research group presented some proposals to frame education policies under the principles of educational justice.

“Future generations will be able to implement the advances proposed from this student-teacher interaction that is a crucial part of university life”- Chancellor Ignacio Sánchez.

The UC Proposes Program is an initiative that involves students in research from the undergraduate level and that brings together perspectives from different careers to propose comprehensive solutions to public problems of national interest. The proposal for the future is to continue growing and that more and more students join initiatives like this to contribute to the development of Chile.

From the university, this Program creates a space for learning in public policies that can have a great impact on the training of our students. Thus, future generations will be able to implement the advances proposed from this student-teacher interaction that is a crucial part of university life”.

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