Science and Tech

Sauron already has his own butterfly, he wears his Eye on his wings

Sauron already has his own butterfly

We continue to discover new species of butterflies. Two of them honor The Lord of the Rings.

The most evil fallen god of Middle-earth, Sauronrevive in the name of two new species of butterflies. Are the triangular saurona and the Saurona aurigera.

Dr. Blanca Huertas, curator of butterflies at the Natural History Museum in London, is part of the international group that has discovered a new group of butterflies, according to the BBC.

This group has been baptized with the name of Sauronain homage to Sauron, the evil antagonist of The Lord of the rings and other books by JRR Tolkien.

Sauron’s Butterflies

This new group of butterflies has been known for a long time, but has not been catalogued.

According to the BBC, a group of 30 international experts have been cataloging butterflies for a decade. By analyzing their DNA they have been able to separate different groups and species.

He Saurona group It has been named that way because all these butterflies have black circles on an orange backgroundwhich is reminiscent of eye of sauron. Here you can see it:


At the moment within this group they have included two new species: triangular saurona and Saurona aurigera. But Dr. Blanca Huertas assures that they will not be the last.

In biology, it is common for the discoverer of a new animal or plant species, give it a name. Excluding proper and commercial names, many scientists take advantage of it to honor characters from books, movies or video games.

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The only rule is that there always has to be a relationship. In the case of these butterflies, it is the aforementioned rings, which are reminiscent of the Eye of Sauron.

We also saw it a long time ago with animals with names inspired by Star Wars.

The old ghost of Sauron continues to spread, and without the need for the One Ring. Jokes aside, the Sauron’s Butterflies They are not the only animals that bear his name. They also carry it a frog, a dung beetle, and a dinosaur.

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