Science and Tech

Google confirms its first foldable, Pixel Fold

May 5. (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has confirmed its first foldable device, Pixel Folda few days before its annual developer event is held, in which it is expected to share its features, along with software and service news.

Taking advantage of the star wars daywhich is celebrated every May 4 due to the phonetic similarity in English of this date, ‘May the 4th be with you’, with the phrase ‘May the Force be with you’ (may the force be with you, in Spanish), Google has confirmed one of its most anticipated devices: its first folding, under the motto ‘May The Fold Be With You’, a play on words with the popular phrase from the galactic saga.

This is called Pixel Fold, and judging by the preview video that the technology company has shared On twitterfollows the design seen in the Pixel 7 series of ‘smartphones’, although in the colors black and beige.

Closed, Pixel Fold keeps the main camera on the back in an elongated metal module, while on the front a screen occupies all the space. Unfolded, the screen reaches the size and format of a tablet, although its hinge admits different positions.

Google has indicated the date May 10, day you will hold the keynote for your annual developer event Google I/O 2023. In addition to sharing the features of this device, it is expected to announce the new version of Android and other news about its services, including its advances in artificial intelligence.

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