
at least 27 people dead

( Spanish) — At least 27 miners lost their lives after an accident at the Yanaquihua mining company, Esperanza I, around 00:00 on Saturday, according to a statement from the Government of Arequipa, Peru. A short circuit is suspected to have caused a fire inside.

The statement added that the Yanaquihua commissioner, owner of the mine, Esteban Rey HuamanĂ­ Urday, informed the authorities of the incident, and that the 27 people had died of suffocation.

They indicate that, after informing the local authorities of what happened, personnel from the Yanaquihua health center, located some 500 meters from the mine mouth, went to the place to care for those affected, including three rescue workers.

The Ministry of the Interior of Peru reported for its part the collaboration of police personnel in the work of rescuing the bodies of the workers inside the mine.

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