
Iran intercepts a foreign-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz

Iran intercepts a foreign-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has confirmed this Wednesday the interception of a foreign-flagged oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, arguing that it has violated navigation regulations in the area, although the United States has denounced that “Iran’s actions are contrary to law International and affect regional security and stability”.

The Revolutionary Guard Navy has indicated that the ship has been intercepted by its forces and forced to move towards the coast, according to the Iranian news agency Tasnim. For its part, the US Fifth Fleet has detailed in a statement that the incident took place around 6:20 am (local time) and has added that the ship affected is the ‘Niovi’, with the Panamanian flag.

“The tanker left Dubai and was in transit from the Persian Gulf to the port of Fujaira, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), when a dozen speedboats of the Revolutionary Guard intercepted the vessel in the middle of the Strait (of Hormuz), He pointed out, before specifying that the Iranian forces “forced the tanker to change course and head towards Iranian territorial waters off the coast of Bandar Abbas.”

Thus, the Fifth Fleet has reported that it is the second incident of this type in the last week and has denounced that “during the last two years, Iran has harassed, attacked or interfered with the navigation rights of 15 foreign-flagged merchant ships” . “Iran’s continued harassment of ships and its interference in the rights of navigation in regional waters is unjustified, irresponsible and poses a threat to maritime security and the global economy,” it has settled.

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