Science and Tech

“You have to talk to those who know”: congressman invites to regulate AI in Mexico

For this reason, we interviewed the representative to find out how he is planning to carry out this regulation, how he is reporting on the subject and what plans he has for the future of AI in Mexico:

Who instilled in you an interest in technology and innovation?

-They must think: “This must be old for this type of proposal” and it is partly true. But I consider myself a person who is very interested in technology. It has always motivated and interested me. I am not an expert and I want to clarify it, but I have three sons who work in the sector and, talking with them, we saw the need to start legislating (…) For me, the most important part is that AI is not used to harm.

Why do you consider AI regulation important in Mexico?

-This type of technology can lead to situations of invasion of privacy and we have to start legislating so that yes and no can be controlled.

That it should not be used to spy on (…) We have to see how we can control it and that it does not control us. The AI ​​is not fully updated, we have to see what we can use it for.

Beyond the definitions presented in the text, what do you understand by AI and robotics? How are you learning and informing yourself about this topic?

-Well, like that, talking to the young people. In the forums we do we share ideas. I am also learning it. This law is in the parliamentary gazette. I hope they give me a chance in plenary session and that they join commissions and we can start working with the experts now. We must create a forum for those who know (…) That the algorithms are reviewed so that the AI ​​actually presents a social benefit.

Do you have a specialized committee on the subject or organizations that help you with the technical part of the law?

-You can get rich. What we are proposing is that there be a council for ethics and robotics (…) That there be a council made up of designated members, civil society, academia and universities. There should be at least five expert heads (…)

We cannot lose sight of the fact that politicians lay the foundations, but the construction of anything must be done by experts. You have to ask, recognize what I don’t know and ask how I do it. That is the spirit of this law.

AI encompasses many areas. What do you mean by regulate it?

-Regulate the algorithms, electronic voting… Let’s assume that the AI ​​gets out of control and begins to make decisions by itself. What would happen if the AI ​​decided that it is better for a certain candidate to win? (…) review which algorithms are used by the government and verify that there are no cheats.

How are they going to regulate private companies that are developing AI?

-There is no division. You have to regulate it. From the private you can also invade privacy and you can be invasive with people. It is necessary to see how far AI can go without invading the integrity, privacy and even the decorum of people.

What tasks would CMETIAR carry out? How much autonomy would CMETIAR have to act?

-To learn more I put a tweet where I asked people and asked them to comment. I have not had an overwhelming response, but I am going to meet with specialists from the Autonomous University of Querétaro to find out their opinion. We want people interested in contributing. This is just the base. What follows, the steps, have to be built by the experts.

It’s just an idea that we have to control and regulate the AI. That will have to be decided by the experts. I think it should be very clear what has to be done and the prohibitions very well established.

What actions, regulations or laws that the EU and USA are doing to regulate AI do you want to replicate in Mexico?

-There really isn’t much information. We haven’t had the exchange yet. This is only a few weeks old and it is beginning to have a good response and a greater interest in the subject is beginning to be generated.

The AI ​​is here to stay and it is better for us to stay to lead, because we are the ones who say how things have to be done (…) if something is not done, this is the beginning of the end.

Although the deputy shared that there is still no information on the subject, the regulation of AI in the European Union and North America is still in place. While countries like Italy are banning the use of tools like ChatGPT and other countries like China, Iran or Russia do not even have access to OpenAI, in the United States they are already facing this type of dilemma and the European Union commission is exploring create a regulatory framework for AI.

The European Union regulatory proposal aims to provide AI developers, implementers and users with requirements and obligations regarding specific uses of AI. At the same time, the proposal seeks to reduce administrative and financial burdens for businesses, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

How is the bill going? How can experts join in supporting?

It’s barely a proposal. But you can write to my email, [email protected] and [email protected] . Also to my social networks, Twitter, Facebook, IG.

I would very much like young people to take more interest in the future. I see them embedded in the present. Let them think that AI is important, but also activity and politics.

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