The story of Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon takes us to the remote planet Rubicon 3, where several decades ago a mysterious new substance called Coral was discovered. This substance was expected to be a source of energy that would cause a drastic advance in the communication and technological possibilities of humanity. However, what it caused was a catastrophe that engulfed both the planet and all the surrounding stars in flames and storms, thus forming a burning solar system. Almost half a century later, the same substance has resurfaced Rubicon 3, a planet contaminated and sealed by catastrophe.
The player will have to infiltrate Rubicon as an independent mercenary and there he will find himself in the middle of a fight between companies and resistance groups that fight for control of the Coral. Before battling through Rubicon’s massive arenas, players will need to customize their bipedal robot. It’s not about choosing just one aesthetic. Nothing is further from reality. Customization is one of the keys to the game, since the pieces used will determine the strategy, maneuverability and combat style.
Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon – Launch Edition (69.99 euros)
- Copy of Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon
- Poster of an Armored Core (390×330)
- Three stickers with game emblems
- three art cards
Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon – Collector’s Edition (249.99 euros)
- Copy of Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon
- Steelbook
- Armored Core figure (19 cm)
- Set of 45 stickers
- digital soundtrack
- 40 page hardcover art book
- Set of four patterned pins of game emblems
Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon – Premium Collector’s Edition (449.99 euros)
- Copy of Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon
- Steelbook
- Set of 45 stickers
- digital soundtrack
- Armored Core Figure (19cm) + Garage 32cm
- 40 page hardcover art book
- Set of four patterned pins of game emblems