economy and politics

Sánchez announces 20,000 new public homes on Defense land

Sánchez announces 20,000 new public homes on Defense land

25 Apr. (EUROPE PRESS) –

The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has announced the construction of 20,000 new public homes on land owned by the Ministry of Defence, through the Sociedad Pública Empresarial de Solo (Sepes), and has ensured that, along with those already announced by Sareb , those financed with ICO credits and those projected by the Ministry of Transport, in the coming years the Government will enable some 183,000 properties.

These new 20,000 homes that Sánchez announced this afternoon in the plenary session of the Senate, where he will have a duel with the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will be built on land owned by the Ministry of Defense through the Sociedad Pública Empresarial de Soil.

According to the Chief Executive, this new package is added to the 50,000 affordable public rental homes agreed with Sareb and another 43,000 that will be financed with ICO loans. All this mobilization of homes announced by the Government in recent days will add 113,000 properties for the public park.

To all these homes are also added those already projected by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda with the Housing for Affordable Rental plan. Counting on the latter, in the coming years the Government plans to enable a total of 183,000 properties.


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