Science and Tech

Google merges its AI divisions to stand out from Microsoft

Google merges its AI divisions to stand out from Microsoft

According to a report in The Information, Brain’s software engineers had focused on developing software known as Gemini, which would be intended to compete with OpenAI’s popular GPT machine language model and Microsoft’s. has made a multi-million dollar investment.

Although Google has its own AI model, called Bard, it has received relevant criticism, such as the fact that during its public presentation it displayed erroneous information or even that the engineers themselves described it as a “pathological liar”.

And it is that according to a Bloomberg report, 18 current and former Google workers provided testimonials showing that Bard used to give users dangerous advice, such as how to land a plane or dive.

The report noted that the company “rejected a risk assessment” submitted by an internal security team that said the system was not ready for general use; However, the technology company opened early access to the “experimental” bot in March to users in the United States and the United Kingdom.

In this regard, Google said that “responsible Artificial Intelligence continues to be one of the main priorities of the company and we continue to invest in the teams that work to apply our AI Principles to our technology.”

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