economy and politics

Restless insecurity in Bogotá

Restless insecurity in Bogotá

64% of merchants in Bogotá say they do not feel safe in the area or town where they workaccording to a study by the Fenalco branch.

(Households spend less and commerce is in ‘lean cows’).

This data results from a survey carried out by the union. The findings are not encouraging and the situation of insecurity is a critical aspect that determines the daily work of businessmen.

(International transport agreement with Venezuela advances).

57% also do not feel safe in the town where they live and only 12% state that they feel safe in the area of ​​residence.

(The economy reaffirmed signs of a slowdown in February.)

When asked how they consider security in the last 4 months (since January), 81% state that they feel that it has worsened, 18% say that it is the same as the previous year and 2% perceive that it has improved. 30.7% said they had been a victim of robbery in the last 4 months. The most common modalities were: robbery in their establishment (33.3%), 22% what is known as raponazo, 14% armed robbery. 5.6% were victims of extortion.

(Economic activity grew 2.98% in February, according to Dane).


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