Science and Tech

Possible thesis topics for linking with a Master’s in Plant Sciences (with a scholarship financed by the project)

Possible thesis topics for linking with a Master's in Plant Sciences (with a scholarship financed by the project)

Associated projects

  • FONDECYT Nº11230998 ‘Doing our MAGIC: Applying an integrative physiological breeding approach using a MAGIC population to deliver wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes adapted to drought and heat.
  • Installation Grant at the Academy ‘Strengthening predictive capabilities to optimize decision-making towards a more sustainable agriculture’

Sponsor: Daniela Bustos-Korts, IPSV, [email protected]

Topic 1

Qualification: Characterization of genetic diversity in wheat improvement programs in Chile
Context: The creation of wheat varieties is based on crossing (pollination) between two or more genotypes with complementary characteristics. For a cross to be successful and produce offspring that are well adapted to environmental conditions, it is critical to know the available genetic diversity.
Focus of the thesis: To use molecular markers distributed throughout the wheat genome to characterize 188 wheat genotypes that represent the genetic diversity present in Chile.
Type of job: data analysis using R
Approximate start: May 2023 (flexible)

Topic 2

Qualification: Characterization of the adaptation of wheat genotypes to the central-southern zone of Chile
Context: The creation of new varieties requires their evaluation in multiple environments to characterize their adaptation to production conditions. For this, the candidate varieties are evaluated in field trials in various locations and years.
Focus of the thesis: Use data from multi-environment trials to assess the adaptation and yield stability of wheat genotypes and the existence of geographic zones that induce particular adaptive patterns.
Type of job: data analysis using R
Approximate start: May 2023 (flexible)

Theme 3

Qualification: Estimation of photoperiod sensitivity parameters and vernalization requirements of wheat genotypes to be used in the APSIM-wheat crop model
Context: Phenology is one of the key characters for the adaptation of crops, since it determines the risk of exposure to environmental stresses in critical stages for the determination of yield and the synchrony between the availability of environmental resources and the demand of the crop.
Focus of the thesis: To estimate the photoperiod sensitivity parameters and vernalization requirements of wheats with contrasting alleles for phenology genes.
Type of job: Monitoring of growth chamber phenology (2 photoperiod lengths, 2 levels of vernalization), regression analysis in R, familiarization with the APSIM model
Approximate start: May 2023 (flexible)

Theme 4

Qualification: Estimation of soil water availability parameters and biomass accumulation of wheat genotypes to be used in the APSIM-wheat crop model
Description: To predict the adaptation of wheat varieties under field conditions, it is essential to know basic parameters that depend on the soil and the genotype. These parameters determine the water storage capacity of the soil and physiological characteristics such as phenology, biomass partitioning, radiation use efficiency, among others.

This thesis will seek to estimate these parameters in a field trial and use them to predict yield and biomass with the APSIM crop model.

Type of job: field work (Santa Rosa), statistical analysis in R, familiarization with the APSIM model
Approximate start: August 2023

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