economy and politics

Third Interregional Dialogue of the International Women’s Network EU-LAC – Long-term care: good practices and challenges in the construction of comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective in the EU and LAC

The inequitable distribution of care work is one of the factors that weigh on the continuation of gender inequalities and make it difficult for women to fully exercise their rights and economic autonomy. In recent years, the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the countries of the European Union (EU) have promoted commitments, policies and care programs that promote joint responsibility between women and men and contribute to the autonomy of women and a fair social organization of care. Taking these advances into account, and within the framework of its mandate to facilitate the exchange between government authorities and civil society in the two regions (EU and LAC), the EU-LAC Foundation, in close cooperation with entities that promote Global Alliance for Care (UN Women, INMUJERES) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, will organize Interregional Dialogues of the EU-LAC International Women’s Network ‘Care at the center of new development models’. The purpose of the Dialogues is to offer a space with representatives of civil society networks and organizations, academic experts and international organizations specialized in the subject, as well as government representatives, to make visible policies, regulations, initiatives and actions for the construction of comprehensive care systems that, in turn, promote gender equality and identify opportunities and strategies for greater articulation between actors from both regions on the subject.

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