Science and Tech

Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics UdeC will host the XXXV Conference on Mathematics in the South Zone

Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics UdeC will host the XXXV Conference on Mathematics in the South Zone

On April 19, 20 and 21, 2023, the XXXV Conference on Mathematics in the South Zone will be held at the CFM UdeC premises. The meeting brings together the mathematical community to participate in various conferences, workshops and thematic sections for those who work in the mathematical area.

The organization this year is in charge of the Mathematics department, who this year seek to open the space to other careers that use mathematics in their respective areas. Julio Aracena, director of the DIM in relation to the instance commented “The JMZS is an important Congress for our department, since it allows us to publicize the research work carried out by members of the community of our Department (academics, undergraduate thesis students, and doctoral students).

Likewise, the academic from the Department of Mathematics José Aguayo indicated that, “The Conference on Mathematics in the South Zone is important from the beginning for the department, since it allows us to connect with people who work in mathematics at the national level, in this case from Talca to Punta Arenas”

Finally, the Department of Statistics this year has also collaborated in the organization of the aforementioned national meeting. Bernardo Lagos, an academic from the department, pointed out that “it is noteworthy that in this version they want to reach other careers, in this case from the department we appreciate the invitation from the organizing committee and we hope that it will be an instance where not only a public specialized in mathematics, but to go further”.

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