
Sanna Marin’s party becomes the third force in Finland and offers to govern with the conservatives

The Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, admitted this Sunday the victory in the parliamentary elections in the Nordic country of her rival, the conservative Kokoomus party, when the counting of the votes has not yet finished, and congratulated her leader, Petteri Orpo, with who would be willing to form a coalition.

Marin, whose party goes from first to third position, however, he predicted difficult negotiations to form a governmentalthough he expressed his confidence that an agreement would be reached that would guarantee a coalition with a parliamentary majority.

“My party has gained support and we have more representatives in Parliamentso, as leader of the party, I am very happy”, Marin interpreted before the international press in a first reaction when the scrutiny had almost been completed, very close since the closing of the voting.

With 94.7% of the votes counted, the Orpo conservatives lead with 20.6% of the votes and 48 seats, and surpass the extreme right-wing True Finns, who achieved 20.2% and 46 seats.

“I think that the Finnish people want a change and now I will open negotiations with all the parties to form a government,” said an exultant Orpo.

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) goes from being the largest political group in Finland to third position, despite improving 2.2 points and obtaining 19.9% ​​of the vote, which guarantees it 3 more seats, up to 46.

He center partythe SDP’s main coalition partner, obtained 11.6% of the vote (2.1 points less) and lost 8 seats, having to settle for 23 seats, the worst result in its history.

The other large members of the government coalition also fell, the Greens, who lost 7 seats, and the Left Alliance, with 5 fewer seats, while the fifth partner of the Executive, the Swedish People’s Party, remained with nine seats.

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