“Tomorrow, the pain in the ass of the parade, in short, an exciting plan.” An indiscreet microphone broadcast the words of Mariano Rajoy to his faithful javier arenas during a PP conclave in Galicia in 2008. A similar attitude, bored and lazy, showed Pedro Sanchez this Monday when announcing the names of the new ministers, after a government crisis puny and tasteless. She dismissed the outgoing ones and received the incoming ones with appreciative nonchalance, reading some routine pages, without journalists, without questions, at the palace gate in front of some empty gardens. This staging of ennui presidential scrutiny with ingenuity in the matter of Dieter in isRadio.
“Is he jet laghas just arrived from Santo Domingo”, explained the plumbers of the West Wing. “In addition, it has sent a message with a lot of political content”, they added, to justify so much excess of nothing. The same transatlantic flight had fulfilled the King and he was walking at those hours hitting the cajón, lavish and energetic, in a square in Cádiz.This reluctance was also appreciated in his tour of the burned areas of Castellón, together with a Ximo Puig who hates him (and vice versa) and a group of distraught mayors who stared in amazement at the visitor’s robotic gait and listened skeptically to his insubstantial message. “It seems that he is in another, like far away,” it was commented in the improvised rural entourage.
Spanish diplomacy, far from reasonable prudence, sends messages about the planetary meeting with Xi Jinping, the mediating role of the Spanish president in the conflict in Ukraine
Sánchez is bored, he is affected by the spleen of baudelairealso called ‘La Moncloa syndrome‘, that evil that attacks the heads of the Executive who have already been on the throne for a few years. Their country is too small for them and they yearn for distant scenarios, with relevant meetings, high-level meetings and without setbacks on the sidewalks. The socialist leader can hardly step on the street in his country because they whistle at him, they show him banners of txapote, always accompanies the certainty of rejection. None of that happens when she travels outside. Kiss it Macron, Coast hugs him, scholz smiles at him and ursula she hugs him with that affection that she only professes to the very special handsome ones. This week she moves to beijing, peak moment of his international career. Spanish diplomacy, far from reasonable prudence, sends messages about the decisive scope of this visit, about the planetary meeting with Xi Jinping, the possible mediating role of the Spanish president in the conflict in Ukraine, three months after assuming the six-month presidency of the EU, and his impeccable consolidation as one of the main actors in our galaxy. The image of a global leader, master of the universe, at the top of his mandate.
It is more outside than inside. Review, with adolescent illusion, agendas and trips with Albares. Indolently entrusts domestic affairs to bolanos and Cerdan. The Miguels (Barroso and Contreras) are in charge of the obsessive propaganda. It will visit fifteen European capitals in the next three months. Priority issue. Then, if that, some rally for the May elections. Few barons claim it. Fernandez Vara, the man from Extremadura, invites you with a small mouth. He knows that his region hangs by a thread after the farce of the witch train. He only appreciates the presence of her the Navarrese chivitepartner of bildu, faithful support of the president. Not an ETA member outside of his region. In a few weeks, not an ETA member in jail. Navarrese socialism applauds him and cheers him on. Marlaska he is the helpful washbasin of the pistol’s friends. Long ago he stopped distinguishing between useful and honest actions. The Supreme Court has just knocked down his inappropriate decision on the colonel Diego Perez de los Cobosthe hero of the coup in Catalonia, whom the Minister of the Interior struck down from office for not complying with his demands in an investigation into the Executive and the pandemic.
Everything else is a trail of scandals and traps, mistakes and robberies. Sedition, embezzlement, yes it is yes, Trans, Pam-Pam, assault on the Constitutional, Rabat-Sahara, Berni underpants, txapotes… .
The Moncloa fiction factory expands messages about the collapse of Feijóo and the resistance of the president, the braking of the PP and the power of PSOE. Mere voluntarism that every Tuesday adorns the spokeswoman isabella rodriguez, all of it wrapped in a slimy sectarianism, after the Council of Ministers. Sánchez has a jumble to her left, with that cainite knife between Yolanda Diaz and Can, furious at rigging listings and incapable of attempting reasonable compromises. Without that ultra-united ‘space’, there will be no more Moncloa or more Frankenstein. Maybe it’s what you’re looking for churchesbecome the melenchon of Galapagar, set Madrid on fire when the PP governs and proclaim to his Irene the Marianne of the purple republic.
The Government hardly has achievements to offer. His electoral argument is reduced to the fraudulent increase in pensions and the ghost of vox. Everything else is a trail of scandals and traps, mistakes and robberies. Sedition, embezzlement, yes is yes, Trans, Pam Pamassault on the Constitutional, Rabat-Sahara, breeches Bernie, txapotes… . In the other block, the conservatives have the majority without scares or setbacks. The winds of change blow a Feijóo restrained, sometimes grumpy, but with a clear objective: Sánchez’s defeat is easier than his own victory. It looks the same but it is not the same. Total, Sánchez is already leaving. This Spain is a pain in the ass.