economy and politics

International seminar: “Territorial productive policies, digitization and productivity"

This seminar is organized by the Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to conclude the work of two projects, supported and financed by the European Union, through which ECLAC has promoted the development of the capacities of subnational governments in the territorial productive development. The first is the Territorial Facility, implemented in Argentina, Chile and Colombia, together with institutions specialized in territorial economic development, such as the Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development in Argentina, the Undersecretariat of Regional Development in Chile (SUBDERE) and the National Department of Planning in Colombia (DNP).

The second project is the Digital Agriculture Facility, implemented in conjunction with the Ibero-American Network for the Digitalization of Agriculture and Livestock (RIDAG), formed by INTA Argentina, INIA Chile, IRTA Spain and INIA Uruguay, and which included consultancies in areas specific in Costa Rica (ICAFE) and Ecuador (Think Tank Cacao Foundation).

The purpose of the meeting is to transmit and exchange the experiences, results and work tools developed by these projects that have focused their work on five areas: governance and multilevel organization, digitization of agricultural companies and local MSMEs, development of mixed rural extension networks, management of territorial digital hubs and management and development of Local Development Plans.

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