the anime of NieR: Automata it continues to air new episodes on a weekly basis. The production premiered in January of this year and suffered its first delay shortly after. Unfortunately, a new delay has just been announced today.
1 month ago, NieR:Automata Ver1.1a resumed the broadcast of episodes after a delay derived from the registration of new coronavirus infections (COVID-19) in Japan, which ended up impacting the production process.
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the anime of NieR will be delayed indefinitely
It was thought that these effects had ended after the new episodes were broadcast again, but the truth is that the production was once again affected by the problems derived from the coronavirus.
“Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus ‘COVID-19’ and the resulting delay in the episode production schedule, we have decided to postpone the broadcast of episode 9 and beyond,” the statement read.
In case you missed it: the anime of Nier: Automata He manages to stand out despite his mistakes.
第9話以降の放送・配信延期についてニーア #NieR #ニーアオートマタ※先程投稿の画像日付に誤りございましたので
再投稿になります。失礼致しました。— TVアニメ『NieR:Automata』(ニーア オートマタ) (@NieR_A_ANIME) March 18, 2023
Unfortunately, fans will have to be patient, as the worst thing about this is that the production team did not reveal details about the reboot, but will share them “later”, in the “near future”. But without a doubt, it is the best decision that the responsible team could have made, since the health of the employees must first be taken care of.
It is important to mention that the first delay, which occurred at the beginning of the year, was short and the wait for new episodes was less than 1 month, so there is hope that something similar will happen this time.
We will keep you informed.
You can find more news related to NieR if you visit this page.
Related video: NieR Reincarnation × NieR Re[in]carnation – Crossover Event Trailer
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