March 15 (EUROPA PRESS) –
The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, assured this Wednesday before leaving for Germany that the ‘road map’ presented by the president, Isaac Herzog, on an alternative judicial reform does not create the necessary balance between the powers of the State.
“The things that the president proposes were not agreed upon by the coalition, and the central elements of the proposal that he offered only perpetuate the existing situation and do not provide the necessary balance between the branches (of the government),” he indicated in a video published on Twitter with his statements before taking the plane to Berlin.
During the day, Herzog has proposed a new formula to try to unravel the political crisis in Israel. Specifically, his initiative contemplates critical points on the relationship between the different branches of the Government, including the selection of judges, as well as the judicial review of Parliament’s legislation.
The committee to choose the judges would be made up of eleven members: government and coalition with four representatives, while the judiciary would have three members, including the president of the Supreme Court and two other judges. The body would be completed by two members of the opposition and two others appointed by the Minister of Justice with the agreement of the president of the Supreme Court.
Appointments to the Supreme Court would have to have a majority of seven of the eleven members in total. Therefore, the coalition would not have absolute control over the appointment of judges, as reported by the newspaper ‘The Times of Israel’.
Likewise, passing a law in Parliament would require four readings — the first three with 61 votes and the fourth with 80 — while any change to the electoral law would require the approval of 80 deputies at each reading. Thus, the legislations would have a higher constitutional status, but would not be subject to judicial review.
“The scheme that I present today is a golden path, which brings together in an adequate, dignified, balanced and constructive way the perceptions, beliefs, concerns and concerns (of the parties),” Herzog previously indicated in a speech.
The Israeli president has defended that Israel is “on the verge of a civil war”. “Precisely now, 75 years after the existence of Israel, the abyss is within reach of our hands”, he has sentenced, as reported by the newspaper ‘The Jerusalem Post’.
This occurs after a meeting between Netanyahu and several high-ranking members of the coalition ended up unleashing a crisis within the Executive for failing to reach agreements on the key points of judicial reform.