Science and Tech

Legume production is stimulated in small-scale agriculture in the province of Arauco

Legume production is stimulated in small-scale agriculture in the province of Arauco

Within the framework of the execution of the FNDR project “Technology Transfer and Agricultural Extension for producers of the Province of Arauco”, which is executed by INIA Quilamapu, thanks to financing from the Regional Government of Biobío, farmers from the communes of Lebu, Cañete, Los Álamos, Curanilahue and Contulmo have received a complete consulting program in the establishment and production of legumes.

Hugo Rodríguez, Communications INIA Quilamapu.- Five demonstrative units focused on the production of legumes were established in the last six months by INIA Quilamapu researchers on farmer’s farms in the province of Arauco.

In this regard, the person in charge of the technical office of INIA in Cañete, Mario Saavedra, indicated that the emphasis of the initiative is on “installing the production of legumes in the productive systems of farmers, so that they are incorporated into crop rotations. , which until now only contemplated potatoes, wheat and, in some cases, pastures for bovine feeding”. He explained that the purpose is to guide producers to the development of sustainable agriculture, aiming at a healthy diet, and making use of legume varieties that have been validated for the climatic and soil reality of the area.

The legumes referred to correspond to peas, lentils, beans and lupines, all with varieties generated by the Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) itself, and which were established in strategic places in five of the seven communes of the province. The demonstrative units are located in Curanilahue, in the Trongol Bajo sector; in Lebu, in the Ruca Raqui and Yeneco sectors; while in Los Álamos they are located in the Villarrica, Caramávida, Pata de Vaca, and Sara de Lebu sectors.

In Cañete, meanwhile, demonstration units were established in the Rinconada de Lloncao, Caillín and Cayucupil sector; while in the commune of Contulmo it was located in the Elicura sector. In this last sector, the demonstration unit was established in the orchard of the farmer Margarita Martínez, who demonstrated her satisfaction with the work carried out. “I have received their support (INIA Quilamapu) and I am happy with that (…) they congratulated me because when they sowed they found the land very good. I have put all the effort I could, otherwise I would not have achieved what I have”.

Meanwhile, the industrial civil engineer and project coordinator, Rodrigo Avilés, pointed out that each of the demonstration units has been implemented “as one of the work strategies of the project in the province of Arauco.” He added that the units were located in a joint effort with farmers from the communes, in addition to the Prodesal and PDTI technical teams from INDAP, which seeks to “disseminate and train producers in essential aspects of agronomic management of crops that are adapted to the conditions of the province of Arauco”.

Along with valuing the coordinated work with the INDAP teams in the communes, Avilés mentioned that “the implementation of the communal demonstration units strengthens the strategy of developing and validating sustainable agricultural production techniques adaptable to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the province of Arauco , in addition to promoting the participation and integration of producers”.

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