economy and politics

Labor and pension reforms would be agreed against the clock

Labor and pension reforms would be agreed against the clock

The leaders of the guilds and unions will sit as of today in the salary and labor policy agreement commission in order to review the latest points of the labor reform, and also the pension, that the Ministry of Labor hopes to file this Thursday March 16.

According to the labor portfolio, the respective drafts of each project are already ready, and they will be discussed this week at the table, starting with the labor reform.

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Andi President Bruce MacMastersaid on Friday that there is a “very strong commitment to reach an agreement” and stressed that in recent days meetings have been held with the minister to take observations from side to side.

From the microentrepreneurs, Rosmery Quintero, president of Acopi, recognized that issues such as maintaining the incentive for the generation of new jobs, the possibility of incorporating a 30-day notice prior to the resignation of workers, as well as some observations regarding reinforced stability, are being taken into account. “The minister recognizes that micro, small and medium-sized companies must be given conditions that help them generate employment”, he mentioned.

The president of Fenalco, Jaime Alberto cabinhehas expressed concern about issues such as night hours and the impact on employment, which could have greater burdens for employers.

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It is important that we raise awareness. This reform is not a game and many companies would disappear due to the inability to absorb labor costs”, affirmed the manager At some point, the head of Fenalco even proposed postponing the discussion until the next semester.

The other voice of the unions in the committee, Jorge Bedoya, president of the SAC, pointed out that work is being done “for being effective in the fight against labor informality, in protecting formal employment and generating better conditions for the creation of formal jobs”.

On the side of the unions, Francisco Maltés, president of the CUTpointed out that the reform “You must guarantee the employment contract for all permanent functions and the civil forms must be only for temporary functions”, he proposes to return to the nightly surcharges from 6:00 pm and the “triple Sunday payment”.

(Guilds and unions will sit down to talk about the labor reform).

John Jairo Caicedo chairs the CTC, agreed with this, but mentioned his concerns. “It is worrying that everything done for several months will not be reflected when it is approved by Congress” said.

Along with the labor reform, the Ministry hopes that the negotiation table will also serve as a space to review the final points of the pension reformof which, unlike the labor law, no draft is known to date.

Although within the framework of the subcommittee defined to build the project, both Asofondos as phasecolda to participate in the debate, none of these unions is part of the committee.

We have not been summoned to any meeting on the pension reform proposal in recent weeks”, indicated Daniel Wills, Technical Vice President of Asofondos.

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