
Vladimir Putin revitalizes NATO in Madrid

Vladimir Putin revitalizes NATO in Madrid

First modification:

The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks the NATO summit that will be held in Madrid on June 29 and 30. Sweden and Finland’s application for accession to the Atlantic Alliance will be on the table as long as Turkey lifts its current veto. NATO’s role in the Ukrainian conflict is important, as it provides security to neighboring countries that feel threatened and that belong to the alliance, such as Bulgaria, Poland or the Baltic States.

Just three years after Macron said that “NATO was in a state of brain death”, Putin has arrived to revive his meaning and to increase the Alliance. Perhaps the opposite effect of what he would have wanted.

In this edition of En Primera Plana they join us to analyze the present and future of NATO:

– María José Zorrilla, political scientist, in charge of a mission in the French presidency of the Council of the European Union.

– Luis Rivas, independent journalist, former correspondent in Moscow.

– Fernando Hernández Holgado, historian, teacher at the Complutense University of Madrid and author of ‘History of NATO. From the Cold War to humanitarian interventionism’.

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