Science and Tech

Doctoral students of the UCSC Faculty of Sciences obtain ANID scholarships

Doctoral students of the UCSC Faculty of Sciences obtain ANID scholarships

This year, 5 students from this postgraduate program got the benefit that will support them during their studies.

A total of 5 students of the Doctorate in Sciences with a mention in Biodiversity and Bioresources (DCBB) were benefited with the National Doctoral Scholarship from the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). This benefit considers an annual maintenance allowance, fee and/or registration payment, health coverage allowance and an additional 5% allowance for children under 18 years of age. In addition to complementary benefits, which correspond to an allowance for operating expenses required for the execution of the thesis and the possibility of obtaining financing to carry out stays/internships abroad.

On this occasion, the beneficiaries were the first-year students: Fabián Guzmán, Paola Cárdenas and Constanza Millán, who represent 3 of the 4 admissions to this postgraduate program. They also obtained the benefit Cristián Balboa from the 2022 cohort and Marco Quispe from the 2020 cohort.


Cristián Balboa is a biologist and has a master’s degree in Biosciences and Bioenergy and received the news with pleasure, due to the dedication time required to apply for the instance. “Finding out that I was selected was incredible as well as very joyful because everything I wrote convinced the reviewers of what I want to develop and my study already regains a very remarkable relevance and importance both for me and for science”, stressed.

His line of research deals with the application of biogenic material capable of removing contaminants in different water matrices, but focused on water for purification.

Constanza Millán is a biologist and has a master’s degree in Biological Sciences. This year she applied to the DCBB and comments that “considering how competitive the selection is, I felt very happy and satisfied with my performance, because it is also in a certain way a validation of the effort that one has made to build a curriculum and define a line of research, as well as a recognition to my environment and my peers, who have always supported me with different opportunities, academic, work and personal”.

Regarding the work he will carry out, he highlights that his line of research focuses on phylogeography and genomics of marine invertebrate populations.

Fabián Guzmán, who is entering this year, also highlighted the importance of the scholarship to enter. His line of research is based on ecology and animal physiology, with emphasis on biochemical composition and animal nutrition. “This scholarship will allow me to do my PhD because if they hadn’t selected me I wouldn’t have been able to study. It is a great contribution and an extra motivation to be able to be an ANID fellow, this will allow me to start the DCBB in the best way ”, he pointed out.

Paola Cárdenas, biologist and Master of Science with a mention in Oceanography, is also joining the DCBB this year. Her line of work focuses on both marine and fjord sediments from a multiproxy perspective.

“It was absolutely satisfying to know that I was awarded the scholarship. In my case, I learned about the news on board the RV SONNE during the SO296-2 expedition where the sampling for my doctoral thesis was carried out. Winning the ANID scholarship provides a certain guarantee regarding the possibilities of concretizing the objectives of the doctorate in a more secure way, in addition to representing a small achievement thanks to the work done ”, he added.

In this way, this year the large number of scholarships obtained by students of the Doctorate in Sciences with a mention in Biodiversity and Bioresources stands out.

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