economy and politics

This is the patrimony of Petro and his ‘trusted’ officials

Laura Sarabia, chief of staff of the Casa de Nariño

Every president has a ‘first ring of trust in addition to the team of ministers. The team that ‘speaks in your ear’. Generally, people of his complete confidence who have accompanied him in his political career.

(Read: Petro criticized decision that removes control of service regulation).

The case of President Gustavo Petro is no exception, since has a team of advisors and senior officials. Among them, Augusto Rodríguez Ballesteros, who he knows from his militancy in the M-19 or Saul Kattan, an economist who accompanied him while he was mayor of Bogotá.

This is the heritage of one of them.

Laura Camila Sarabia, Chief of Staff

Laura Sarabia, chief of staff of the Casa de Nariño

Presidency of the Republic

The Chief of Staff published his income statement for the taxable year 2018 where he reported a gross equity of $2,000 pesosdebts for $8,912,000 pesos and net worth of $0 pesos.

Then he arranged the data from the taxable year 2021 where he showed a gross equity of $14,412,000 pesos and debts for 8,000 pesos, which leaves a net worth of $14,404,000 pesos.

It does not register assets in its name and also does not register possible conflicts of interest that, according to the regulations of Public Function.

(In addition: Government gave rural families more than 3,500 hectares of land).

Mauricio Lizcano, director of Dapre

Mauricio Lizcano

Mauricio Lizcano


The former congressman showed in his income statement a net worth of 1,444 million pesos, resulting from a total of $1,868 million pesos of gross equity, less $424 million pesos in debts.

Along with this, after deductions and balance in favor, I pay $0 pesos of income tax. Regarding assets, the director of Dapre has a piece of property in Medellín worth $432,406,864 pesos, a vehicle valued at $206,000,000 pesos and two movable assets, identified as CxC (Accounts Receivable), for a value of $144,000,000 pesos.

It also reports two investments in the country. One, in shares worth $800,000,000 pesos and another identified as ‘Membership’, for $190,000,000 pesos.

Danilo Rueda, high commissioner for peace

Danilo Rueda

Danilo Rueda was appointed as Peace Commissioner.


In your 2021 income tax return, you recorded a gross equity of $690 million pesos and debts of $53 million pesos, which left him a net worth of $636 million pesos. With deductions, the tax payment for him was $0 pesos.

(In addition: Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation against the son of President Petro).

Along with this, the human rights expert stated that he had, in percentages ranging from 50% to 9%, of 14 real estate. Most of them (8) located in the city of Neiva (Huila). The rest are distributed as follows: three in Bogotá, one in Cúcuta, one in Tello (Huila) and another in Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca).

Luis Fernando Velasco, high councilor for the regions

Luis Fernando Velasco

Luis Fernando Velasco

Ana María García / Archive EL TIEMPO

The former congressman reported for the taxable year of 2021, a gross equity of $4,030 million pesos and debts of $312 million pesoswhich left him with a net worth of $3,718 million pesos.

Regarding his assets, he registered seven properties distributed between Cauca, Valle and Bogotá. The one with the highest value is in Bogotá and is valued at $840 million pesos. Total, in properties it reported 2,814 million pesos.

Augusto Rodríguez Ballesteros, director of the UNP

The net worth of Rodríguez Ballesteros, in the 2021 financial year, was $253 million pesos, product of a gross patrimony of $285 million pesos, less $32 million pesos in debts. with deductions, his income tax payment was $0.

(Keep reading: President Petro asks the financial system to lower interest rates).

Among his assets, he registers two properties: one in Acacías (Meta) worth $60 million pesos, and another in Bogotá, worth $178 million pesos. He also reported a vehicle valued at $18 million pesos.

see here the complete report of EL TIEMPO.

Editor Data Unit EL TIEMPO

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