economy and politics

What changes would the labor reform project bring? These are some

What changes would the labor reform project bring?  These are some

The Government advances in the elaboration of the draft law of labor reform that he wants to file before Congress on March 16.

One of the proposals being discussed is that the night shift does not start at 9 pm, but at 6 pm, with which working after that hour would be considered as extra.

(Read: Anla clarified that it has given six licenses in wind projects).

President Gustavo Petro even proposed that Saturdays are considered as overtime.

In addition, it is sought that the surcharge for working on a Sunday or holiday is not 75 percent but go up to 100 percent.

Likewise, other points are being touched on, such as contracts for the provision of services are limited and used appropriately, that is, for specific and specialized tasks that are for an established period of time.

Also that the apprenticeship contract becomes work again and that it has all the guarantees of social security, salary and other obligations.

(Also: How viable is Petro’s proposal on democratizing energy).

In the same way, with the reform it will be sought that make it more difficult for companies to fire without just cause.

Also, that employment in the rural sector be formalized so that all farm workers have a decent and dignified job.

Another point of discussion is the issue of digital platforms. Likewise, the project will address issues such as collective bargaining and that unions should be strengthened.

Nearly 3,000 labor reform proposals

In total, according to the Ministry of Labor, progress is being made in the analysis of nearly 3,000 proposals.

Among the proposals of the citizenry, some stand out as job stabilityboth in the private and public sectors, formalization in the rural and cultural sector, regulations for delivery and transportation platforms, employment for young people and people with disabilities, gender equality, collective rights, compliance with international conventions and the no precariousness of work.

(Keep reading: Petro proposes to expand community internet network across the country.)

“Big changes are being seen in the world of work and this is how the proposals received for the labor reform since last October, when the process began with the holding of work tables to listen to all sectors that allow us to listen to the inputs that allow us to continue with the articles of the reform”said the Vice Minister of Labor Relations and Inspection, Edwin Palma Egea.


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