
The US issues a new travel alert for Russia and asks its citizens to leave the country “immediately”

The US issues a new travel alert for Russia and asks its citizens to leave the country "immediately"

The Embassy in Moscow points to the “unpredictable consequences of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine”

13 Feb. () –

The US Embassy in Moscow has issued a new travel alert to its citizens recommending that they “do not travel” to the country due to the “unpredictable consequences of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine” and calling on those already on Russian soil. to leave the country “immediately”.

Thus, it has indicated on its website that US citizens in Russia are exposed to “potential harassment” and “arrests” or the “arbitrary application of local law”, while stressing that the Embassy has “limited capacity to assisting US citizens in Russia”, aside from the “possibility of terrorism”.

“Exercise greater caution due to the risk of erroneous arrests,” he said, before recalling the suspension of operations at his consulates in Russia and noting that “Russia could refuse to recognize dual US citizenship, deny access to consular assistance, subject them to mobilization, prevent their departure from Russia or recruit them”.

He has also stressed that “US credit and debit cards do not work in Russia” and that “commercial flight options are extremely limited and are often not available on short notice.” “If they want to leave Russia, they must make arrangements independently as soon as possible,” she added.

The US Embassy in Moscow has stressed that “US citizens, including retired or active duty or military officials and private citizens engaged in business or visiting or residing in Russia have been unreasonably interrogated and threatened by Russian officials and have become in victims of harassment, mistreatment and extortion”.

“Russian security services have detained American citizens on trumped-up charges (…) have denied them fair and transparent treatment and sentenced them in secret trials without presenting credible evidence,” he said, before pointing out that “the authorities Russian authorities arbitrarily apply local laws against American religious workers and have opened questionable investigations against American citizens involved in religious activities.”

For this reason, it has stressed that “US citizens should avoid traveling to Russia to work or volunteer in non-governmental organizations or religious organizations” and has pointed to “multiple security incidents in southwestern Russia related to the unprovoked invasion and unjustified from Ukraine”. “The Russian government declared martial law in the border regions with Ukraine on October 20, 2022, allowing the rapid introduction of restrictive measures,” she warned.

Along these lines, he explained that “recent legislation expands the ability of the Russian authorities to detain, interrogate and arrest individuals suspected of acting against Russian interests, including contacts with foreign and international entities, discrediting the State or the Russian Army and defending the rights of LGBTQI+ people”.

Finally, he said that “terrorist groups, both transnational and local, and individuals inspired by extremist ideologies continue to plan possible attacks in Russia” and recalled that “travel to the North Caucasus, including Chechnya and Mount Elbrus, is prohibited for employees US government agencies and is strongly discouraged for US citizens.

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